Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!

I was hoping that it wouldn't rain today, but unfortunately it did!
It was such a gloomy and ugly day out. I mainly stayed inside and tried to find things to keep busy.
Ben and I even did a 4th of July crossword search competition, I won of course with a best 2 out of 3. We also watched Shrek 3 on television and took a nap, it was an exciting day to say the least.
Although it was rainy outside, we were able to visit his grandparents and my grandparents. It was nice to be able to see them again. Sometimes I feel so busy that it is hard to forget what really matters in and friends. I always enjoy my time over at my grandparents and I try to really cherish the times I have with them. I haven't seen them since Father's Day..oops!!
The rain put us off this year. We did not go see any parades or any fireworks. It was a little disappointing but hopefully next year we can make up for it. 
I did however watch the Macy's 4th of July show which ended in a 30 minute firework display.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lavender Wedding

When I first saw the colors of this wedding I thought it was going to look ridiculous in our reception ballroom. However, it actually turned out really neat because they incorporated other colors with the lavender.
This couple was very hands-on, DIY kind of people. 
The father had some kind of anxiety disorder and was super nervous about the ceremony, but of course at Bel-Wood it turned out perfect! 

I love this idea!

The purple looked great on the arch!

Our pastry chef made this cake and I think it turned out great!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Vintage Wedding

To feed my current wedding obsession, my mom got out her wedding items from the 80's. Talk about vintage! It was awesome to be able to go through her pictures and wedding items that she kept.
She even had an old "Brides" magazine.
It is crazy to see how the styles have changed. The dresses were all  lace with big puffy shoulders!
She had a smaller wedding but it was beautiful regardless.

Seriously.. how cute are they??

Ahhh the color scheme of blue and yellow, how times have changed!
I really enjoyed reminiscing with my mom about her wedding days and it makes me excited when it will eventually be my time to get married!  

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Still Got It!

I have been on a blogging break for awhile but no worries...I am back!!
I finally jumped back on the wagon and started my workouts last week and I still got it! I was afraid that after a couple of weeks not running that I would be struggling when I started back up again, but I was right on track!
I even did a longer run then expected.. 3.25 miles. I am still working on distance but I am happy that it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated.
In fact, the run was really great and I forgot how awesome it feels when you are finished! Runner's high, anyone?

This week I am just going to focus on recapping the several weddings that have taken place over the last couple weeks!

I also downloaded a new app called Vine!

Basically you take videos that last 7 seconds and they continuously play on a loop. You make rough edits and cuts to make one entire video! They are so much fun to make and hilarious to watch.
I have gotten many laughs out of watching other people's videos.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Letter to my 18 Year Old Self

I am doing a link-up today! Instead of writing a letter to me 21 year old self, since I am haven't even reached that age, I have decided to write a letter to my 18 year old self.


Dear 18 year-old Brittany,

Life is tough and you will soon find this out soon. Spend as much time as you can with your dad and when you visit and he starts giving away his stuff, take it and do not question or think it is strange. Cherish this time and always remember his laugh, his voice, and his smile because you won't have much more time left with him.
Ask the tough questions that you need answers to, even if it is awkward or uncomfortable in the moment.
Remember to forgive and to not blame yourself. Give your dad lots of hugs and kisses and make the most memories that you can with him.
When he passes remember that life will go on. Do not be too hard on yourself and learn to give yourself a break. Lean to God for understand, comfort, and peace because He is very close!
Do not take to heart the things people say when they state that "high school is the best four years of your life" because it isn't true. College is just around the corner and it is much better!
Do not chase after any high school boys because you will meet your future hubby very, very soon (he is definitely worth the wait, trust me).
Don't get upset when you don't have a date to the Prom.
Also, go out and spend the money for a new Prom will regret it if you don't!
I know it's hard but put on a good face and try harder to "pretend" that everything is okay, sometimes your face gives your emotion away and people will start to talk.
You will learn a hard lesson that everyone will eventually learn but that sparkle will come back into your eyes and life will return to normal again. Try not to blame yourself, life is too short to be miserable.

With Love,
20 year-old Brittany

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It's that time of year for Southwest Ohio HOBY conference! This year it is being held at Urbana University from June 14-16.
I was introduced to the Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership conference in 2009 as an outgoing sophomore in high school. HOBY was created back in 1958 as a program to inspire and develop the global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service, and innovation. 
There are conferences happening all over the US, even abroad, this summer to grow and develop leaders of tomorrow.
I was an ambassador in 2009 on the Margaret Thatcher team! I had a great experience and it motivated me to make a difference in my community and start some local charity drives at my school.

Margaret Thatcher's circa 2009

I was so impacted from HOBY that I volunteered in 2010, 2011, and 2012 as a Junior Facilitator. Although I learned a lot through each conference, I decided that it is time to move on and explore other options. 
My last year as a JF really opened my eyes and made me realize that I wasn't enjoying this experience as I usually had. Fostering the innovation and inspiration in youth is a passion of mine but I am searching in other ways to do that.
HOBY has changed my life and given me a vision of where I want to go. HOBY taught me to be confident and gave me perspective on life. 
One of my favorite things about HOBY is the emphasize on volunteering. Each year there is a day filled with 4 hours of volunteer work.This conference had a huge impact on my life and is one of my main motivations behind wanting to enter the non-profit sector. 
I am so proud and honored to be an alumni of HOBY and I hope that one day my children will follow my footsteps.

Candy Apple Red Group circa 2010

Group RESPECT circa 2011

Wrestling Group circa 2012

Friday, June 7, 2013

Five on Friday Link- Up

Today I am linking up for the Five on Friday over at The Good Life Blog.


I need to get back in the gym! It has been calling my name but I skipped it completely this week do to my low, flat arches giving me feet problems!! Enough with the excuses already!

We have another wedding at Bel-Wood tomorrow and I am super excited!! They have a purple color scheme and the weather is suppose to be beautiful.

I actually have one day off this week!! Usually I work 7 days a week between my job at Old Navy and my internship but Sunday is all mine. I am so relieved to have a break and enjoy my Sunday with church and relaxation!

Right now I am currently obsessed with Tim McGraw and Keith Urban's new songs.
However, I am not a huge fan of the Taylor Swift part in Tim's song.
Check them both out, they are great summer hits.

My cousin, Houston, and his wife just moved to Germany this past week for the Air Force. That takes a lot of courage and strength and I admire them for taking that leap of faith and moving out of their comfort zone. It is such a hard thing to do without any family or friends around in a new country but they certainly have a lot of support here at home. We are hoping to be able to visit them sometime when they get settled and have explored the country a little.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wedding / Gee Retirement

This past weekend we had yet another wedding held at Bel-Wood.
The theme at this wedding was pink! And wine....lots of wine!
The weather was calling for rain but we were lucky that it held out and had a rain-free ceremony!

 The bridal suite after the wedding...messy, messy!

In other news, The Ohio State University's President Gordon Gee is retiring. 
One of the things that I wanted to do before I left Ohio State was get the infamous picture with him. I have seen him around campus a couple of times but never had the opportunity for a photo op.
Unfortunately I will never be able to get that photo and I am sad to see him go.
I think he was a great University President, making sure to say hi to students around campus and make them feel welcomed. It is very hard to feel important in a large school but I think Gee was very personal and tried his hardest to make students feel as though they mattered at OSU.
The thing that I will most miss about Gordon Gee, other than making the students feel included, is his various printed bow ties!! Here are a few of my favorites...Dr. Gee, you will be missed!

Showing some Delta Love